Our researchers knocked it out of the park last quarter! We had more MVPs last quarter than any other quarter in the history of our platform. Not only did we see a number of stellar submissions from our longstanding crowd members, we had a number of new researchers prove that there is so much undiscovered talent out there.

Without further ado, here are the researchers who achieved MVP status for Q2 of 2020.


Researchers with 2 consecutive MVP Quarters

0ang3el allyomalley AnkitSingh
Anon_Hunter ansariosama bitquark
D_J d0xing danieloizo
Dipen dr0v3r erikdejong
eur0pa fogez grouptherapy
HackerX007 Harie_cool harshbothra
Hx01 JackDs khaledibnalwalid
melardev mert mkmaddyshock
osamaavvan reflect10n Renwa
Rhynorater rhyselsmore sam_exploit
sw33tLie th3g3nt3lman udit_thakkur
VINOTHKUMAR vishnuraj 11 Private


Researchers who qualified for MVP for the first time in Q2

AhmedOzil10 akshaydeodare al88nsk
alesawe andirrahmani andsnw
anshuman_bh Avanish bilalkhan
Bitmap bugsymalone chameleon_IN
cinzinga crixer cybermerchantsofdeath
daniel_v DDV_UA Devansh-Bordia
DK999 elmahdi Fazlu
Foobar7 Hacklad hateshape
irotem JakobTheDev JR0ch17
JunoonBro K4r1it0 kazan71p
khoiasd liuxiaoliang manis
Mido0x0x Mr_sharma_ MuhammadKhizerJaved
Nahamsec noob nooboy
noobsec nthuong95 nullenc0de
osama_alaa oxy_gen peanuts
prateek_0490 priyanshuxo quas
Ra881t RedyOpsResearchLabs Rhishikesh
SaadAhmed salihkp taraszelyk
theflofly txt3rob Wh11teW0lf
Zekv4n zorianix 34 Private

What is the MVP Incentive Program?

Our MVP program recognizes hackers that consistently bring their A-game across Bugcrowd bounty programs. Reaching MVP status is no small feat as it requires them to stay at the top of the priority percentiles for the entire quarter. At the end of each quarter we review all of our platform submissions to see how each Researcher compares to the rest of the crowd. Those that make it to the top of the quarter become an MVP and are sent an exclusive swag reward to celebrate their achievement.

MVP2020 Qualifications:

  • Maintain a minimum average accuracy rate of 80%
  • Achieve a priority percentile range for either P1s or P2s above 80%
  • Submit at least four qualifying, non-duplicate submissions
  • Have no significant enforcement infractions for six months prior to the end of the qualifying quarter.

For more information about Bugcrowd’s current Incentive Programs, see our Researcher Documentation

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We look forward to all the amazing work the Crowd will do in Q3!

Want to be an MVP? Get hunting!