Every researcher has a skillset that sets them apart from the rest. Similarly, no two programs are alike! Each comes with their own technologies and environments. The goal of Bugcrowd is to seamlessly integrate the Crowd (we’re looking at you, researchers) into various security use cases and workflows that customers have.
Matching the right Researchers to the right Program
Our latest feature, Skills self-assessment, provides the opportunity for you to share information about your skills, interests, and level of skill. You can also tell us if you would like to learn more about a specific skill. The Bugcrowd platform utilizes all of this information to provide finer-tuned program invite opportunities and suggestions through our Just for You recommendation engine.
Bugcrowd knows that when the right researcher is matched with the right program, we see amazing results. Skills self-assessment is a singular component in a larger data-driven skills initiative that works to match researchers with programs. With these data improvements, we are better able to find opportunities that best match a researchers’ experience and emerging skills. CrowdMatch ensures this is possible dynamically, ingesting information as we get to know you better.
Skills Self-Assessment and Data-Driven Platform
To set your skills and interests, head over to your Profile section → Skills and Interests. Once here, you’ll find a total of 17 different skills to self-assess, ranging from Automotive to Cryptography to Static Code Analysis. You can rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the highest) for your competency in each skill. If you are interested (or not interested) in a specific skill, use the Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down buttons to let us know.
If there’s a specific skill that you’d like to learn more about, you can let us know by flipping the toggle under your 1-5 rating. We’ll use this information to show you relevant programs, content and future events.
Once you’ve completed your self-assessment, the Bugcrowd platform then utilizes all of this information plus past behavior on the platform, performance in prior engagements, and contributions to public Github projects to provide curated program recommendations that best suit your skills and preferences. These options will appear in your Discovery tab.
Do you have skills that aren’t a selection option? Head on over to your Resume tab and fill those details in there!
New to Researcher Resumes? Check out our blog for more information.