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Bugcrowd Achieves Global CREST Accreditation For Pen Testing
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Go the extra mile for automotive cybersecurity

Automotive cybersecurity is central to vehicle safety as connected cars are a favorite target for attackers. Be proactive about finding hidden vulnerabilities before a breach causes a breakdown.


Drive circles around threats

A modern vehicle is essentially a data center on wheels—but with far less assurance that devices, apps and connections are safe from attack. The Bugcrowd Platform helps you avoid being blindsided by precisely bringing the right security researchers and deep insights about specific vulnerabilities into your existing workflows.

  • Find hidden vulnerabilities in vehicle systems
  • Access critical security expertise on demand
  • Reduce risk in complex automotive attack surfaces


Turn up the volume on infotainment security

Infotainment systems are a prime vector for automotive cybersecurity attacks targeting car brakes and other critical components. With Bugcrowd’s Pen Testing as a Service solutions, you can proactively find vulnerabilities lurking in complex vehicle systems, know which ones to address first, and get guidance on how to fix them.


Hit the brakes on remote exploitation

Telematics, Bluetooth, in-car apps, Wi-Fi, keyless entry—all can contain common flaws that serve as entry points for cyber criminals. Reduce the risk of remote exploitation quickly, before hacks occur, through Bug Bounty and Attack Surface Management solutions on the Bugcrowd Platform.


Secure the CAN bus

The Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is a connected vehicle’s central nervous system. Unfortunately, it can also be a target for malicious hackers. Tapping trusted security researchers with the right skill set to find hidden flaws reduces the risk of exploitation far better than other methods.

“We value engaging third-party researchers to improve our products. Our goal with the Bug Bounty program is to foster a collaborative relationship with researchers to participate in responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities in our vehicles and connected services.”
Leading Car Manufacturer

Priority One Report

Our Priority One Report focuses on vulnerability trends across industries, reflecting growing security researcher activity on our platform, including submission volume, severity and type.

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