
  • $200 – $7,500 per vulnerability
  • Safe harbor

Linktree rewarding bonuses to above and beyond reports.

We are pleased to announce Linktree is offering bonuses to contributors who go above and beyond.

Quality submissions that help both the Bugcrowd triage team and the Linktree engineers understand your testing, and its real world impact, are extremely valuable . This results in faster triage, and if valid, faster payout. Starting March 22, 2023 high quality reports will potentially qualify for a bonus payment (to be determined by Linktree).

Examples of things that will help increase chances of qualifying your submission might include but not limited to:

  • The severity of the finding as outlined on the program details.
  • Clear and concise summary of the problem identified.
  • Clarity of the testing approach taken in a way an engineer can understand how you found the vulnerability. Provide detailed steps to reproduce. End to end videos go a long way.
  • Supported by evidence, discuss what you think the impact would be on if this was exploited. What could a malicious attacker do with such a vulnerability?
  • If the finding came about from a particular blog post or technique, reference it!
  • If you can reference a CVE or some other material that helps explain the issue thats is also always welcome.

Note, bonuses are subject to change.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Do not contact Linktree about these bonuses and/or Linktree's decision on any bonus payment is final.

Happy hacking everyone and looking forward to seeing your next submissions