
  • $300 – $6,500 per vulnerability
  • Safe harbor

Version 6.34 Released!


Happy Thursday, Researchers! OneTrust has released its latest version (6.34), which has provided new features to our solution for you to review and test. We have provided a list of new features that have been added along with the respective modules.

Our First-to-Find bonuses for our Featured Module are still in place.

New Features

Assessment Automation

  • Task Collaborators

    Access the new enhancement to Assessment Automation template rules for task creation, where users can add multiple collaborator(s) to tasks on the assessment.

Consent Management

  • Override Active Purpose with Pending Setting

    Disable the Override Active Purpose with Pending setting to maintain an Active status on a Purpose when a data subject reconfirms their consent. This ensures that activities related to the purpose of processing can continue while waiting on a response to the Double Opt-In confirmation email.

Cookie Compliance

  • Bulk Domain Management

    Associate a single domain script with a domain group using Bulk Domain Management. This feature allows your script to run on each domain within a domain group and collect consent for each domain separately.

  • Subdomain and Path Scanning

    Target specific paths and subdomains to include or exclude when scanning or rescanning a website using the updated Target Pages to Scan modal.


  • Thycotic Secret Server for Guided Installs

    Deploy with Thycotic Secret Server as an available credential vault configuration for guided worker node deployments. This credential vault option can leverage existing Thycotic Secret Server instances to support scanning sources.

  • Improvements to Wizard Data Source Setup

    Create data sources in the application with enhanced configuration options for customized scanning, classifying, and data mapping. This improvement to the data source wizard flow gives users the choice to override defaults with existing objects or new ones including the option for auto-approval of terms.

Data Redaction

  • Include/Exclude Files From Results

    Choose whether files should be included on the results sent to data subjects. This preference option allows users to decide if a particular file or file segment should be sent to data subjects based on relevance or sensitivity.


  • Do While Loop Logic

    Configure workflows with Do While Loop logic to call multiple actions in a repeated execution sequence with specific cease conditions. This allows integration managers to ensure the action is executed at least once so they'll be able to specify the condition(s) when the loop execution should cease.

IT Risk Management

  • Numerical Text Attribute Decimal

    Create numerical text attributes with up to three digits after the decimal point when creating and editing risks. With this enhancement, users can be more accurate with their risk calculations and maintain mathematical precision.

Privacy Rights (DSAR)

  • Export Subtasks in CSV Format

    Utilize the enhanced export subtask functionality that allows users to export a larger number of subtasks in CSV format.

  • Bulk Import Historic Data Subject Requests

    Access the new Bulk Import Template for importing historic data subject requests. This enhancement will allow users to import previously created and completed requests in bulk that were fulfilled outside of the OneTrust application.

Third-Party Risk Exchange

  • Change Risk Rules on Published Templates

    Modify, add, or remove the risk rules for published templates on the Third-Party Risk Exchange screen. This allows you to customize the risks generated from the SIG Lite and add additional risks not featured in the default template to better reflect your organization's risk appetite.

Vendor Portal

  • Bulk Import Answer Library Updates

    Bulk update answer libraries from the Answer Library screen. This feature allows you to export an answer library to Excel, make changes, then reimport the updated file.