Origin Energy - Retail

  • $50 – $2,500 per vulnerability
  • Safe harbor

New Targets Added!

We hope your testing is going well. Here is an update that should make things a bit more interesting!

There have been some recent changes/updates to the Origin Energy program. We highly recommend you take a look at this additional attack surface – which hopefully means more vulnerabilities! Here is what’s new:

In Scope Targets

  • *.download.originenergy.com.au
  • dataportal.originenergy.com.au
  • *.origindigital-pac.com.au
  • *.odcdn.com.au
  • *.support.originenergy.com.au
  • *.api.originenergy.com.au

API Targets

Out of Scope

  • https://auth.api.originenergy.com.au/**

As always, please see the program brief for the full details around testing. If you have any questions, please reach out to support@bugcrowd.com.

Get out there and lay claim to those bugs!