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Get early warning of security vulnerabilities

Prove to your customers and partners that you do everything proactively possible to protect them with a Bugcrowd Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP).


Earn trust and build your "security brand"

A vulnerability disclosure program (VDP) is strong public evidence that you’re deadly serious about security. It gives members of the security community a trusted method for submitting vulnerability reports about security flaws in your assets under responsible disclosure terms, and coordinates how they’re handled internally.

Running on the Bugcrowd Platform™, our fully managed VDPs provide multiple submission methods, engineered triage, integrations, and reporting, with data from thousands of past customer experiences informing everything that happens.


Meet compliance mandates

Align with regulations like BOD 20-01, HIPAA, SOX, and GLBA (in US), PSTI (in UK), and DORA, NIS2, and CRA (in EU)


Create a safe harbor for disclosure

Without a clear way to report it, most people won’t bother to tell you about a potentially critical flaw. Make sure they can.


Remediate rapidly

The Bugcrowd Platform integrates with your security and dev processes to ensure that high-impact bugs get fixed, fast.


Build relationships

Engaging with ethical hackers via VDP helps you build relationships for future collaboration on bug bounties and more.

Reduce risk fast and continuously

Bugcrowd VDPs launch and deliver results quickly, slashing mean time to remediation and risk around the clock.


Avg Time to Launch


Avg Time to First Vulnerability


Avg Time to First Critical Vulnerability

Validation and triage

Engineered triage

Unlike other providers that treat triage like a checkbox, we consider our platform’s built-in engineered triage service a key ingredient in customer success. We arm a global, in-house team of specialists with an advanced technology toolbox to enable rapid vulnerability intake, validation, triage, and contextual remediation advice at the Log4J scale—far beyond what competitors can do!

Analytics and reports

Insights for continuous improvement

The Bugcrowd Platform includes a massive security knowledge graph containing millions of data points about vulnerabilities, assets, environments, and skill sets developed over a decade of experience. That data enables dynamic, contextual workflows, AI-powered experiences like CrowdMatchTM, and ​​rich analytics, reports, and recommendations to help you continuously monitor KPIs and improve your security posture.


Step 1: Receive reports

Security researchers around the world review your organization’s defenses from the perspective of an attacker. They probe your cyber defenses for vulnerabilities and report issues through a secure disclosure channel.


Step 2: Validate, triage, and prioritize

The Bugcrowd Platform validates, triages, and prioritizes submissions rapidly, ensuring the direst issues get immediate attention. You always have full visibility into findings through the platform.


Step 3: Review and approve

Your team reviews and confirms triaged submissions. If you need more details, we’ll communicate with the researcher to get the full picture. Bugcrowd is a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA), so you can request official CVE IDs for your vulns, if desired.


Step 4: Remediate and analyze

The Bugcrowd Platform integrates directly with your DevOps and security tools, so triaged findings flow directly into your SDLC for remediation. Use our rich dashboards and reports to benchmark and understand trends.

Sounds like this is the right solution for you?

Get started with a Bugcrowd VDP at your own pace - multiple plans available


Experienced. Proven. Trusted.

“Bugcrowd VDP gives us not only actionable insights to stay ahead of the adversaries, but also peace-of-mind.”
Richard Rushing, CISO, Motorola Mobility
Read the case study

Don’t get blindsided by unknown attack vectors

The Bugcrowd Security Knowledge Platform helps you continuously find and fix critical vulnerabilities that other approaches miss.

V ulnerability Disclosure Bug Bounty P en T est as a Service A ttack Surface Management

Working as an extension of the Bugcrowd Platform, our global team of security engineers rapidly validates and triages submissions, with P1s often handled within hours

The platform integrates workflows with your existing tools and processes to ensure that applications and APIs are continuously tested before they ship

We match you with the right trusted security researchers for your needs and environment across hundreds of dimensions using machine learning

Our platform applies accumulated knowledge, from over a decade of experience with 1000s of customer solutions, to your assets and goals to optimize outcomes

Built-in security workflows streamline program on-boarding, promote customer and researcher communication, and expedite vulnerability triage, validation, and remediation activities

Get started with Bugcrowd

Attackers aren’t waiting, so why should you? See how Bugcrowd can quickly improve your security posture.