Tyler Technologies Data & Insights – Tyler Data Platform, powered by Socrata

  • $150 – $3,500 per vulnerability

New Target Added: Socrata Gateway for Administrators

We hope your testing is going well. Here is an update that should make things a bit more interesting!

We highly recommend you take a look at this additional attack surface – which hopefully means more vulnerabilities! Here is what’s new:

Name URL Description Change
Socrata Gateway for Administrators https://opendata.test-socrata.com/admin/gateway Socrata Gateway consists of both Agents and Plugins. The agent is set up on a server that has access to the source system hosting your data. Various plugins exist for your agent to connect to different source systems both on the cloud (Esri, AWS S3, etc) as well as on-premise (MS SQL, Excel, etc). Added at the highest reward range offered P1 $3100 – $3500

As always, please see the program brief for the full details around testing. If you have any questions, please reach out to support@bugcrowd.com.

Get out there and lay claim to those bugs!