Submission form

All fields are required unless marked optional.

Summary title

Help us get an idea of what this vulnerability is about.


Select the vulnerable target

Targets that are not explicitly in scope may not be eligible for acceptance.

Technical severity

The Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy is the baseline guide used for classifying technical severity.

Select or search for a vulnerability type

Vulnerability details

For example:

Describe the vulnerability and its impact.

Provide a proof of concept or replication steps.

Maximum 25,000 characters.

Attachments (optional)

Attach proof-of-concept scripts, screenshots, screen recordings, etc.

You can attach up to 20 files. Please keep individual upload size under 400MiB.

You can embed attachments (.jpg/.gif/.png, smaller than 5MB) into the Markdown fields. You can copy the embed code using the ‘Copy as Markdown’ button.


    By providing your email address you can claim your submission on


    Confirm your submission is accurate and adheres to Bugcrowd’s terms & conditions.