K_Jagdish’s avatar


🇮🇳 India
  • All-time points87
  • Current rank3093rd
  • Accuracy98.7%

I am a Part Time Security Bug Hunter. I love to test Web Applications for finding Security Vulnerabilities. I am one of the Security Researchers or better say Bug Hunters, who test Web Applications and Report Bugs/Vulnerabilities to the Companies through Bug Bounty Programs on HackerOne, BugCrowd, Cobalt.io and many other Independent Bug Bounty Programs.

I had been listed in Hall of Fame of more than 30 Companies for Finding and Reporting Security Vulnerabilities to the Company such as Nexmo, BugCrowd, Twilio, DigitalOcean, Shopify, InstaCart, and many more. I had been awarded with "Friendly Hacker" Badge from KhanAcademy for reporting Security Vulnerability to the Company/Website.
Recently, I had reported a major Security Vulnerability to TCS ION in which I was able to view and change the information of any of the Student without their permission. I got an Internship Offer from TCS for reporting the Vulnerability, but due to some reasons I didn't joined it.

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