Help Create a Secure & Better Way to Live

  • $200 – $4,500 per vulnerability
  • Safe harbor

This is the teaser page of a private program

Public code 2PW2ao9Pxm8LBBfiQyooT29J

Use this public code to communicate with Bugcrowd support about this program.

Come help secure our Community Portal, Applications, and APIs - We aim to give you quick responses and clear guidelines on what aspects of our scope you are welcome to test on.

Reward range

Last updated

Technical severity Reward range
p1 Critical $4,100 - $4,500
p2 Severe $1,500 - $1,750
p3 Moderate $600 - $850
p4 Low $200 - $250
P5 submissions do not receive any rewards for this program.


  • website
  • api

Web Applications
AWS infrastructure - Recently Migrated, Testing here greatly appreciated